2010 - NOW?
Strict borders, 4 big "countries". Representing "monopoly" big companies. A few buisnesses where everything is hosted. Maybe this map needs to have "more land" because new ways of communication are new/discovered (like vlogs, tiktok etc.)
1995 - 2010
No strict borders, more like areas, a lot of small areas. Represents decentralisation, individualism, community-made. Everyone makes/hosts their own.
Things to change: different map, borders more clear, how do I do hover effect

How to stylistically make difference between the two maps (diff. background? Font? Map even? Or different version of map)

Version 2:
Megan feedback:
Website is not the most obvious necessarily, safe place, where are the queer gamers, where do they feel safe, or where don’t they feel safe? (online spaces)
If you do something physical you can play with placement (where do queer people feel the safest or unsafe, where can we find queer gamers)
Arjen feedback:
Maybe a physical interface is not the most obvious choice? Since audience and target group is mostly online and the peole you want to reach with your interface are also online...
I agree with that and decide to make an online interface to reach a broader and more international audience.
Megan feedback:

Maybe you can add an evolve button? Maybe there is a specific icon for Pokemon that means evolve?

To fix about the website after testing

done Make buttons light up so it's clear it's a button
done Make a more clear "Back" button
done Think about "Congratulations, you have unlocked ..." screens
done Make X button more clear
done Make a locked and unlocked version of evolve buttons
done Fix font big texts to make those more readable
Look into choosing the appropiate pokemon for landschape and time-period.

Introduction page:
done Welcome page to have a bit more of a story/explain more, also about the evolution (function).

Split screen worlds
done Make it that one is still locked so that users will click on the 1st map first.

Gaymer world introduction
done Fix typos text & explain about the borders and why GLBT.

Gaymer World Map
done Change "not available" yet to "Locked"
done Make a locked "Queer Gamertopia" button with the pokemon evolve button

done Fix hover button and make it so the text next to the pages doesn't appear new (100% or no opacity?)
skip (too much text, too distracting in comparison with the value it adds) Write little introduction texts for the examples and make sure it's clear that you can click on it.
done Write that you can click for examples, but make it clear that you don't click on the test but on the icons (maybe with arrows).
done Choose older versions of example, maybe alter time period for a bit?

Queer Gamertopia intro screen
done Fix the balance of the text more.

done Fix date
skip Write little introduction texts for the examples and make sure it's clear that you can click on it.

Maytal feedback:
It's a lot of text, which is fine, because it's an educational website, but try do break it up in small bits so its readable for the user.
-> I've added a bunch of extra screens to break up the text, and also added some illustrations to keep it light and fun
Kimmy's feedback
Stylistically not clear that it's about two different time periods: maybe do something with colours/backgrounds to make that clear?
-> Added different background and different color fonts to differientiate 2 maps
-> Added "Intro" and "Home" button
Welcome to my Design Process!

If you don't have to look through everything, make sure to scan through the things that are colourcoded:

PINK= Important Design choices
YELLOW= Feedback teachers
First sketches

Quite interesting, maybe a physical pokemon card that you can scan with a phone and more info appears? And leave them in places where gamers feel unsafe (like online, maybe as advertisements?
You can't puch much text on a small card, maybe not the best for an educational purpose...

Or maybe think of a function where you scan the card with your phone & more info appears?
-> too complicated, means that I basically have to make 2 interfaces, plus will look chaotic easily/text not readable
Megan feedback:
do some more research on webarchive
-> Different fonts (Pokemon Classic & Pokemon X and X), makes it messy quickly and you can't see difference that much, let's scrap different fonts.
Added intro screen to discover both worlds
Borders look messy, doesn't make it more clear, let's scrap that
Categorised research becomes base op the map
Don't forget to scroll down
To fix about the website after testing


Website before testing
RED = Buttons (clickable)